
The tears fall,

Behind closed curtains,

no one would know,

the truth, as

the tears fall.

The tears fall,

mourning lost love,

her heart is torn in two,

life broken, as

the tears fall.

The tears fall,

the night goes by,

time passes,

a forgotten person, as

the tears fall.

The tears fall,

her soul yearning,

for nearness, once again,

something, anything as

the tears fall.

The tears fall,

as early sunrise light

floods into the darkness

and another day arrives, as

the tears fall.

© Fragmentz

May 2012

Just a little poem of sorts, written as my own thoughts to the #ididnotreport hashtag and tweets that flooded twitter a few days ago. Some incredibly brave tweeters, and a beautiful (but incredibly sad) thing to see so many people finding a voice. 

My own response is about being abused as a child, teenager, and then as an adult in an event that was totally seperate to any of the stuff i’d experienced as a young person. 

(its probably not the most poetically grammatically correct btw)

so here we are, my little poem 


#ididnotreport because who would have heard?

#ididnotreport because who would believe?

#ididnotreport because i could not utter a single word … 

#ididnotreport because it meant more punishment i’d receive.

#ididnotreport as I got older, for what would be the reason?

#ididnotreport as things moved on, but the memories remain,

#ididnotreport as years went by, and life moved into a new season,

#ididnotreport as i always felt i deserved the pain.

#ididnotreport because i had nothing left worth trying to save

#ididnotreport because nothing mattered to me any more 

#ididnotreport because i could never be that brave

#ididnotreport because even when i tried, someone always closed that door.

#ididnotreport for it had all gone plus more

#ididnotreport for everything i had left was taken

#ididnotreport for I had been shaken to the very core,

#ididnotreport for my whole life had  been broken. 

#ididnotreport but sometimes I wish I had. 

© Fragmentz

March 15th 2012

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